hours away, I'm quickly running out of chances to get even close on one of these predictions. As the weeks go by though the list of exercises that Crossfit HQ has to choose from is dwindling so I'm liking my chances this week. First let's recap some of our basic assumptions:

- I'm assuming these each of these movements is totally off the board: double unders, snatches, overhead squats, chest to bar pull-ups, deadlifts and box jumps. That leaves us with burpees, cleans, clean and jerk, shoulder to overhead, wall balls, thrusters, toes to bar and muscle u (push-ups have been used in the past but I'm going with the assumption we won't see them again).
- The main site programmed 42 thrusters in a WOD two days ago so I'm assuming we won't see thrusters either. I do think we will see thrusters at some point though so that only leaves 14.5. I also assume that we'll see cleans and/or clean and jerks at some point but they obviously won't be in the same WOD as thrusters so I'm assuming we see them this week. It also wouldn't make sense to have thrusters in the same WOD as wall balls so I assume we'll see them this week.
- I'm also assuming that we won't see any more "increasing weight" type WODs since they've never used that type of WOD twice in the same Open.
Now as you can we've got a somewhat narrow list of possibilities if these assumptions are true. I'm sticking with the two week run saying this WOD has to be a triplet (although I have a crazy thought we could see the first ever four movement WOD). If we can assume that we'll see cleans and wall balls then that only leaves us with one or possibly two more movements to pick. As for a time frame, I keep thinking that they need a long WOD. 14.2 was only long for the elite and for them the first six to nine minutes would have been pretty easy. Ok, enough assumptions already, here goes:
15 min AMRAP
15 wall balls
12 power cleans 115/75
9 toes to bar
There you have, take it to the bank and bet your house.
Not a bad prediction. I think Cleans are a safe bet. I'm not sure if we'll see Clean&Jerk at all considering they were technically kosher for 14.1.
ReplyDeleteHey technically all of my movements were in the WOD.....that's something right!